Nail infections
Nail infections can cause discomfort, discoloration, and swelling. They often result from fungi or bacteria and can spread easily. Timely treatment is essential to prevent complications and restore nail.
Onychomycosis is a common fungal infection affecting the nails, causing discoloration, thickening, and brittleness. It often results from dermatophytes, yeasts, or molds, thriving in warm, moist environments. Risk factors include poor hygiene, trauma, or compromised immunity. Treatment options range from topical and oral antifungals to advanced laser therapy for effective resolution.
Acute paronychia is a common hand infection characterized by painful, swollen nail folds, often accompanied by abscesses. It typically affects fingernails, especially the index finger and thumb, and is more prevalent in women. Caused by trauma disrupting the cuticle, it allows pathogens like Staphylococcus, fungi, or viruses to invade. Clinical features include redness, swelling, and potential nail damage, with complications like felons or osteomyelitis in severe cases. Diagnosis relies on clinical examination, bacterial culture with imaging or biopsy for persistent cases. Management includes abscess drainage, antiseptic soaks, topical or systemic antibiotics, and surgical intervention when necessary.