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Sep 25

2 min read




It is the flaky material seen on the scalp. It keeps us from wearing dark shirts (as depicted in the dandruff shampoo TV ads), and is a cause of embarrassment to many. Millions have been made off of anti-dandruff products. 

Is dandruff normal? When should one seek help for dandruff? Why are some affected with dandruff more than others? 

Everyone has dandruff! 

The skin, including that of the scalp, is constantly getting replaced. In roughly 4 weeks the upper layer of the skin completely regenerates itself. So, everyday some dead skin cells are shed from the skin. In fact, a lot of the dust in our homes is just dead skin cells. Hair tends to trap these dead skin cells which is seen as dandruff. Dandruff is a normal phenomenon- everybody has it. 

Why do some people have more dandruff than others? 

The most common cause for more dandruff is a yeast called Malassezia furfur. This is a ‘commensal’ – an organism that is normally present on the skin of every human being. More dandruff is produced as a reaction to an increase in the amount of this yeast on the skin. This overgrowth of the yeast happens in some due to a variation in the composition of the natural oil that is produced by their skin- this is genetically determined. This type of dandruff may be accompanied by itching. Also, oiling the scalp can worsen the dandruff by encouraging the yeast to grow. 

What’s the cure for dandruff? 

Well, there is no cure for dandruff since it is a normal phenomenon. 

However, it can be managed quite well with the regular usage of antidandruff shampoos ranging from over-the-counter products to dermatologist prescribed products depending on the severity of the dandruff. In most people, dandruff recurs on discontinuing these products. 

When should one speak to a specialist? 

When the dandruff isn’t getting controlled with anti dandruff products, other causes such as psoriasis and discoid lupus erythematosus need to be ruled out by a specialist and the apt treatment instituted. 

Read about tanning.

Sep 25

2 min read




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