These are tiny outgrowths of skin commonly seen on the neck and in armpits . They are usually harmless and their removal is sought for aesthetic reasons.

Why do skin tags appear?
The main cause for skin tags to develop is insulin resistance. This occurs in overweight and obese individuals. Skin tags are an early sign of impending type 2 diabetes.
Rarely, skin tags are seen in thin, genetically predisposed, individuals due to constant friction in their skin folds.
Preventing skin tags
Physical exercise and weight loss not only help prevent new skin tags from appearing but also prevent the onset of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, irregular periods in women and disorders of the thyroid gland.
Wearing loose fitting clothes helps too.

Treatment for skin tags
Their removal is the most effective solution. Skin tags are removed mostly for cosmetic reasons.
The occasional giant skin tag or an infected skin tag requires removal too.